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How Is The Roof Restoration A Good Way To Be On A Safer Side?

When it comes to renovating an existing home or improving it then the first thing that strikes one’s head is the roofing. Probably, it’s the first priority in the list. When either a roof repair or normal repairs are not possible then the homeowners prefer to go with roof replacement. If the homeowners do not prefer both of these options, then an alternative could be roof restoration.

Roof restoration is the process or a way to renew the roof. This is a way to coat the roof with the best quality material so that it protects the house for a long period of time and is also affordable. The homeowners will surely choose the best for their homes. There is a slight difference between roof restoration, roof repair and roof replacement that is mentioned below:

Roof Restoration

Firstly, the terminology should be absolutely clear.

  • The roof restoration: This is a type of process that does not involve any sort of removal of the present roofing. In this case, the present roofing is repaired properly and then refurnished as and when required. This process is then further restored and then a protective treatment of resurfacing is also done.
  • The roof repair: In this type of process only a small portion of the roof is repaired. That small portion could be less than 30 percent of the total roof. This is a process which may involve a very minor replacement or removal of something or even could be replacing the damaged parts as well. For example, if a severe storm has occurred and few shingles are blown off, then roof repair is the best option.
  • The roof replacement; This simply means that a completely new roof is installed which is made up of a new material. There is only two ways to do this, either the contractor will completely tear off the old roof and place a new one or a new roof could be placed over the old or existing roof.

The Different Steps Involved In Roof Restoration:

  • Firstly, cleaning the roof is very important.
  • Any sort of dust, dirt, mildew, lichen or even mosses should be removed.
  • If the roof is made up of any metal and there is a rust coat on it then that must also be removed.
  • Then check the flashing, seams, and fasteners.
  • If these above-mentioned parts are opened or loose, then seal them up as fast as possible.
  • Then the repairs are followed by rebuilding of a new one as and when required.
  • Lastly, the coating is applied on the roof.
Roof Restoration

In Which Condition Does Roof Restoration Must Take Place?

The roof restoration is not required on every roof of every home. It depends on the specific situation. The current roof that is already installed must be in a good position. The roofer is made to take care of any sort of leaks. If the homeowner maintains the roof sincerely then he will not require hiring a contractor to perform roof restoration. Some of the situations are as follows:
  • First case could be that the owner of the house plans to sell his house to someone else or even give it on rent then the roof must be upgraded and the roof must look like it is good in performing its tasks.
  • Secondly, it is seen that if the roof is almost new, roof restoration must be done five to six years before the expected lifespan.
  • If the homeowners feel that when the roof is exposed to the strong sunlight and it becomes extremely hot during summer, then roof restoration is the ultimate way to solve this problem.
  • In some houses there are two layers of roofing so to remove the higher cost one layer is to be removed and that is done by roof restoration.

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