From Causes To Cure – Know Everything About Headaches
Headaches are one common medical complain caused because of many simple or serious reasons. It is painful at times to work or indulge in daily activities because of this problem. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), about half of the adults everywhere face this ache in every year. Taking proper diet, medications, and right style of living can help solve this issue.
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Different kinds of headache
There could be different kinds of headaches, which could be around 150. Discussed below are some of the common types:
- Migraine: Migraines are the intense pounding and throbbing on one side of the head that can last from 2 hours to 3 days. The aching also comes with nausea or vomiting, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and sound, loss of appetite, upset belly, etc. It is common for the people suffering from migraine to face this pain at least once a month. This is one primary kind of headache found commonly among people of all ages.
- Tension headache: This is another common and primary headache due to high stress and tension. This kind of ache can start slowly and gradually become intense and keep on coming and going. These could be episodic where attacks can last for few hours to many days or could be chronic where the pain last for many days and even months.
- Sinus headache: Sinus is the cavity inside the head which when is inflamed or infected can cause sharp and constant pain in the forehead, cheekbone, and bridge of the nose. Along with pain, people may face sneezing, runny nose, fever, swelling of face, etc.
- Cluster headache: As this type of one-side ache happens in a group that is it occurs two to three times a day for some weeks, it has its name as cluster headache. The symptoms are intense pain around the eyes, throbbing or constant ache, the eyes can get red and swollen and eyelids might droop on the side of pain, and runny nose, etc.
Apart from the above-mentioned problems, some other common aches are rebound headache, hormonal headache, thunderclap headache, etc.
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Causes behind this problem
There could be several reasons behind the cause of headaches. Sometimes infections, flu, and cold can trigger the sinus problem causing this pain in the head, neck, throat, etc. Some serious medical problem could lead to constant and sharp pain in the parts of the head. Stress, tension, too much work pressure, skipping meals, irregular sleep, excessive medications, drinking too much alcohol, et al. can cause headache too. Pollution, smoke, weather conditions et al. can cause this problem too. There is no definite cause behind migraine but it can be genetic. It is ideal to make a diagnosis for the problem for the proper treatment.
Some helpful solutions for headache
It is common that people take pills to stop this extreme pain in the head. It is ideal to understand the cause of the pain before taking any medications. Apart from pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. one can look for alternative ways to prevent the headache. Some of the solutions are:
- Biofeedback is effective for migraines. In this data is fed into the patient through sounds or images after monitoring the body functions.
- Ice pack or washcloth dipped in cold water or hot water when applied on the back of the neck can help get relief from migraines.
- Meditation, yoga, relaxing exercise, stretching, aerobics, massage, magnet therapy, acupuncture, etc. can be some ways to get relief and avoid further aches.
- Ginger, clove oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, basil leaves, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon etc. are some natural ingredients, can be taken or applied for such bad aches.
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