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Drug Test Kits: The most convenient equipment to eradicate drug abuse

Drug test kits are scientific kits that are used to test or check the presence or absence of illegal drugs in the human body, such as marijuana, narcotics, PCP, cocaine, tricyclic antidepressants, etc., through urine, blood, or saliva samples.

Drug testing kits have revolutionized the process of identifying illegal drug abuse. Their wide-ranging application and versatility make them suitable for use across a variety of industries. These kits detect the presence of drugs that are prohibited by law and cannot be consumed without a doctor's prescription. For instance, the illicit use of performance-enhancing steroids by athletes is a violation of the law and can result in severe consequences. The availability of accurate and efficient drug test kits has made it easier to identify and address illegal drug use in various settings.

Gone are the days of the antiquated kits, the technology has changed the drug world a lot. Now, you can test the presence of a drug in your body at your home with strict accuracy. It is one of the best alternatives to laboratory check-ups. It gives results in positive and negative. It is positive if the pointer is at or above the range line of the kit. Drug test kits can easily detect drugs that have been consumed in the last 5 days, and this number may decrease or increase based on the drug used.

drug testing kits australia

Advantages of Drug testing kits:

  • It helps to confirm the cases of abusing prescriptions.
  • Parents can use it for their teens.
  • It is popular in Schools, colleges, offices, and small businesses.
  • Police use it to solve criminal cases.
  • Sports authority uses these kits for drug identification of their players.
  • It helps in identifying and solving cases of drug abuse.
  • It minimizes accidents.
  • It is making the working environment safer.
  • A drug-free office is more productive.
  • Drug test kits help in diagnosing and decreasing drug addiction.
  • It helps in hiring candidates.
  • Medicine departments use it to treat patients.
  • Avoid suicide
  • For rapid screening of military man

Types of drug testing kits

Drug testing kits are categorized based on their method of utilization, with all of them being rapid screening tools. These are widely recognized and utilized testing methods due to their quick and efficient nature, eliminating the need for repeated trips to pathology. The convenience and speed of results make these drug testing methods a popular choice among individuals and organizations.

  • Urine Dip Testing Kits (UST): 

It is one of the most popular or common ways of testing the presence of alcohol and benzodiazepines etc., in the body at home through a urine sample.

  • Instant Saliva Drug Tests:

It detects the consumption of drugs from the last 2 days. This drug test kit is the most affordable in comparison to other kits. In this method, the swab of the mouth is used for screening.

  • Blood Testing kits:

It is not suitable for testing at home. Healthcare departments generally use it. This is not safe for home use.

  • Hair Testing kids:

One can detect the presence of opinions, phencyclidine, and cocaine by using scalp hair.

  • Breathalyzer or Breath drug testing:

It generally tests the recent Alcohol intake. Alcohol blood content in the human body is measured through breath drug testing.

  • Sweat drug testing:

In sweat testing, Sweat-absorbent is worn by the person, and it gives the estimate of drugs that are consumed by such person of the hours they wore it.

Features of drug test kits

Drug test kit

  • They are cost-effective and ready to use.
  • It is anywhere-anytime screening equipment.
  • It gives the result in just 5 minutes.
  • It is travel friendly and always gives proximate results.
  • No technical knowledge is required to use these kits.
  • Drug test kits can detect the presence of many drugs.
  • Drug identification kits are 100% safe.
  • It is very easy to use.
  • You can keep your testing result confidential.
  • The lifespan of these drug test kits is of 12years.

Why send your sample of positive drug results at home to a laboratory?

The results that drug test kits show are preliminary results, and they may get affected by the intake of other medicine, beverages, or other food supplements. So, there is a need to confirm whenever kits show positive home results. It may also get affected due to the wrong technique of doing a test.

A list of the drugs testing kits detect

  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Antidepressants
  • Steroids
  • Nicotine
  • Heroin
  • Oxycodone
  • Morphine
  • Methadone
  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamine
  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines

Wrapping up

Drug test kits are durable and tamper-proof, so there is hardly any chance of sample leakage or incorrect results. Although it is very easy to use, it is always advised to read the instructions carefully before collecting a sample. It is highly suitable for laboratory as well as for onsite screening.


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