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Things That You Need To Know About TMS

TMS, an abbreviation of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a procedure to stimulate nerve cells through a non-invasive procedure, commonly applicable for patients with depression. Depression is a very tough phase that almost anybody can pass through in his or her life. It is a phase of life when a person lacks the energy to do regular works or avoids going outside or talking to people. In depression, people also tend to lose self-worth, and some even develop suicidal thoughts. For such people, TMS comes as a ray of hope, as it involves a variety of procedures to bring such people back to life.


How does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation work?

The procedure involves the placement of an electromagnetic coil against the scalp of a patient suffering from depression. The electromagnetic coil is responsible for stimulating the patient’s nerve cells in his or her region of the brain that controls mood and saves from depressive thoughts. With the help of this treatment procedure, the activities of the nerve cells that have been dysfunctional during depression are boosted. The stimulation impacts the brain cells left, right and center, thereby making it work again like before. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most trusted methods that doctors use to treat patients of depression.

Why should you take this treatment?

There are many different ways in which TMS is applied to your brain. The entire procedure bears a great impact on your brain and transforms it for the better in all of those cases. It is a very old method used by medical practitioners across the globe. However, it is advised that you only visit a licensed medical service provider to avail of the treatment, as they are formally trained to diagnose your real problem and address it accordingly. However, you can’t expect the process to change your life overnight. Obviously, it takes time and results will surprise you to bits.

Why is it conducted?

Many people think that they are at the end of their lives when depression attacks. However, in reality, depression, in which you tend to have suicidal thoughts, is actually curable with the help of medical intervention. Many psychologists will tell you many alternative methods to cure depression, but when everything fails, TMS is the way to go. It will make your life so much better that you will be able to feel happy, socialize and perform all routine activities like never before. TMS is not applied once, but repetitively under the standard treatment category. When medications and talk therapies seem to fail, doctors resort to this method to treat depression of patients.

What are the risks and side effects associated with TMS?

Although Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is one of the most effective treatment methods for depression, it does come with its own risks and side effects as well. Since it would put your brain in close contact of electromagnetic waves, you may experience any of the following side effects:
  • You may suffer from terrible headaches from time to time. If you do so, immediately contact your medical service provider and take medication before things go out of hand
  • You may experience scalp discomfort and twitching of facial muscles. The latter is one of the most common side effects ever reported after patients undergo this treatment method
  • You may feel a tingling sensation in your facial muscles
  • Lightheadedness is likely to occur too
There are two ways to conduct t procedure: Vagus nerve condition and deep brain stimulation. It is not a surgery that many of you might think. Rather, it is just an electromagnetic therapy aimed at bettering the emotional health of the patient and attending to their emotional requirements. So, always ask your doctor to treat you with extra care to avoid any minor risks related to TMS, and let your doctor know if any of the side effects worsen over time.

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