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Some Easy and Effective Ways to Clean Vacuum Filters

For those who do not know, one of the most important and critical parts of a vacuum cleaner is its filter. Maintaining any machine, especially a vacuum cleaner is a must thing to do. The best way to keep the vacuum cleaner running in a healthy condition is to properly maintain and clean the vacuum filters. In case you have not cleaned the filters for a long period of time, the cleaner will then require more effort in absorbing and separating the dirt from your place.

Vacuum Filters

The extra amount of dirt also results in the clogging of the machine. If you want to avoid this situation, you need to know some best and effective ways to clean the vacuum cleaner filters. Here are a few useful tips for you.

Going Through Your Vacuum Cleaner Manual Carefully

In general, everybody needs to clean the vacuum cleaner after every three or four times of use. To know when you need to clean the cleaner filter, you need to go through the user manual very carefully. If you visualize some kind of loss in the suction, that is also a sign that it needs cleaning.

Once you read the instruction carefully, you will be able to master the best possible methods to clean the filter. This is also important as there are various types of vacuum cleaners with different types of vacuum filters. There are regular vacuum cleaners, handheld cleaners or workshop vacuum cleaners. Follow the instruction properly, and the filter will remain in good condition for many months. Some cleaners have detachable filters. In that case, you should detach the filter first and reattach it after cleaning.

Removing the Extra And Extreme Dust From Your Filter

As it is obvious, when you tend to remove or clean the dust from your vacuum cleaner, it is more likely to spread around, especially in the air. In order to protect the household, you should remove vacuum filters and take those outside of your house. You can take the filter where there is a garbage can or trash can. Tap it slowly on the sides of the trash can to keep the excess dust in the trash bin. For removing the remaining particles, you need to use a softer or preferably, an old tooth brush.

Rinsing the Filter Gently If Permitted

Sometimes filters can be washed with water. This is particularly applicable to the filters made with foam or plastic or likewise material. Use the sink to give it a gentle yet thorough wash. You need to, however, cross check the user manual before you actually do the job.

Placing the Washed Filter And Replacing Old Filter

Sometimes, people tend to forget to completely air dry the washed filter before putting it back to where it belongs. You need to thoroughly dry the filter before you put it back to the vacuum cleaner. In order to dry the filter, do not use any hot surface. That is more likely to create damages to the washed filter.  Like any electrical apparatus, vacuum filters also have a specific life span and need to be replaced after that. For this one also, refer to user guide carefully.

Some Avoidable Steps While Cleaning the Filter

There are a few things which one should absolutely avoid while washing a filter. In case you have a filter, perfect for single use only, you must not wash it. Washing, in this case, will only damage your cleaner. For the purpose of washing washable filters, do not use any soap. Wash the filters only with clean water. While brushing the excess dust from your filter, make sure not to use any sharp metallic object.

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